Cathrine Penderup – pianist

Reviews of the solo cd with works by Danish Women composers:
For those of you with a penchant for obscure corners of the repertoire here’s one for your wish-list. The disc features three names which are probably as unknown to you as to me. These are fine performances which do all they can to give these composers a real chance of some kind of appreciation.
Well, perhaps it’s Penderup’s marvellous performance or the fine, realistic and clear recording but I certainly never felt that, because while listening everything, including the inner lines, so clearly brought out, to me seemed to be well articulated and rich.
Cathrine Penderup, quite rightly, believes in this music. There is no doubt that it all deserves more than just this single hearing. There is much more to come if it can be recorded. She has recorded with Iben Vestergärd the complete works of Danish composer Emma Hartmann (d.1851) for voice and piano; so promoting music by women is a priority for her. When it is of such good quality – as are most of these piano pieces – she deserves much success.
Gary Higginson, MusicWeb International
I would like to hear more of her music, especially if played with such commitment and élan as here.
Penderup plays with palpable involvement and verve, and the recording is nicely balanced throughout, clear without being too resonant.
Guy Rickards, International Piano Jan/Feb 2010
Årets 5 bedste cd’er
Der har været meget at vælge mellem, og det er svært lige at plukke 5 cd’er ud af den strøm af gode udgivelser, 2009 har budt p�. Men her er nogle af mine favoritter:
Pianisten Cathrine Penderup har indspillet en CD med tre kvindelige komponister fra det 19. og 20. århundrede:
Nanna Liebmann (1849-1935) var pianist og pædagog. “Thème passionné et variations” er smuk, højromantisk musik, men samtidig med markant temperament og styrke.
Benna Moe (1897-1983) var en alsidig dame, der opnåede en lang karriere som organist, pianist, komponist og sanger, også inden for den populære genre. I slutningen af 1940’erne optrådte hun med det berømte kinoorgel i Palladium biografen. Hun var god til at improvisere og til at opfinde fantasifulde melodier. Hendes “Instruktive etuder” er lette og elegante med iørefaldende temaer: Bækkens brusen, Tarantellens hurtige danserytmer.
Hilda Sehested (1858-1936) komponerede flere værker i senromantisk stil, men blev senere påvirket af Debussy og impressionismen. Sonaten er fra hendes romantiske periode og er teknisk meget dygtigt og kompositionsmæssigt flot gennemført.
Åse Rørdam, Gladsaxe Bibliotekerne
New promising pianist: Cathrine Penderup
Last night � Mikael Lynnerup premiered his new project “Piano evenings� and Jeanne and I were lucky to be among his guests.
First pianist was Cathrine Penderup � a newly grauduated pianist from the RoyalDanishAcademy of Music � who took us through a stunning performance of works by Brahms, Shostakovich, Ravel, Gubaidulina and Beethoven.
Martin von Haller Groenbaek, OpenLife
CD review
Piano Four Hands
Satie, Brahms, Barber, Granados
Tonya Lemoh and Cathrine Penderup, Piano
* * * * *
5/5 stars
Penderup and Lemoh team up to perform Satie’s Trois Morceaux en Forme de Poire, Brahms’ Walzer op.39, works by Granados and six arrangements from Souvenirs, Barber’s Ballet Suite op.28. The four composers don’t often get a combined airing but it all works very well and the capable hands of the two pianists produce a very satisfactory late stylistic Romantic effect.
Emyr Evans
Fine Music Magazine
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